Invisalign Treatments

Invisalign is ideal for teenagers or adults who do not wish to wear metal braces due to vanity or job reasons. Invisalign is worn during the day and other people will be unable to notice them.

Consult our dentists at Tung Chung to provide you the suitable options. Contact us today to get more details.

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Number of Visits: 12 - 15 visits
Completion Time: 1 - 2 years
Recovery Period: None

If you are an adult and don't want to use braces, then a viable alternative is Invisalign in Hong Kong. This is an alternative form of straightening teeth and ideal for patients who would like a perfect smile without anyone having to know. Besides being clear and unnoticeable, invisible aligners are beneficial in other ways as well, they’re removable so the patient can continue with proper oral hygiene and patient is able to remove them when eating or drinking.

You may have other options like traditional metal/ceramic braces, on top of Invisalign. Contact us today to learn more.

Choose a dentist

Dr. Ailsa Tam 譚凱雪牙醫

Call Us Today To Book an Appointment or for Enquiries

Family dental clinic in Tung Chung, Hong Kong. Located in carribbean square mall.

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